Tuesday, November 14, 2006
complaint letter to WashingtonTimes for their baised article
Dear Editor,
I am completely shocked and disappointed at the heavily biased article
that was published in your newspaper.
It demeans Indian culture in general and Indian men in particular. It
is clearly a propaganda by Indian feminists and the author seems to be
advancing their cause without even verifying the facts.
As an Indian Citizen, I am extremely concerned by the Domestic Violence
Act. The feminist organizations have been hailing this act and
presenting it as empowerment of domestic abuse victims. However, there is no
recourse for men who are victimized in their houses. The law lends itself
to very easy misuse and is a gross violation of human rights of half
the population. The fact is that due to this law, men will be
emotionally, mentally and financially abused. As so delicately put by the
concerned minister Ms. Renuka Chaudhary - "Its now men's turn to suffer".
The fact is that the Indian Domestic Violence law is a skewed law in
which only a WOMAN can file a complaint against a MAN. If a man is a
victim of domestic violence, he has no recourse under the law. Moreover, a
man is legally obligated to pay ANY amount of money that the woman asks
him, otherwise he can be jailed. Moreover, if he asks for a single
penny from her, that is also considered domestic violence. If the couple is
living in a shared household, then the man is responsible for the rent.
The law allows any woman who has lived with any man, in a residence, to
actually occupy the residence any time she wants by claiming domestic
violence. So, a divorced wife or an old live-in partner whom a man has
not seen in a decade can file domestic violence and can actually get to
live in any residence that the couple might have lived in before.
Incredulous ? Insane ? That's exactly what this law is. Please see
references at the end where the minister herself admits some of these
It is clear by the actions Ms. Renuka Chaudhary, that her real agenda
is to legally cripple and victimize men on behalf of radical feminists.
She is vehemently opposed to making the law gender neutral. Her
arguments have been the following - "If men have a problem, they should speak
up" or "it is predominantly the woman who suffers". What confounds me
is that if the law is made gender neutral, it does not take away ANY
benefit from the real women victims of domestic abuse AND it provides help
to male victims as well. The irony is that the Minister herself readily
admits that the law will be misused. So, her solution? "What if this
law is misused ? Every law is misused". Bravo !! So, now the Govt. is
actually encouraging the misue of the law here !! When a well respected
journalist asked her on national television, if innocent men should
suffer before the law is amended, her reply was "Its not a bad idea. I pity
men". Some more comments by Renuka Chaudhary - "If men behave,
they have nothing to fear". But what if the men behave and the women
misbehave ? Today, in urban India, when a woman does not want to be in a
marriage, she promptly files a dowry case along with the divorce and
legally harrasses and extorts money from the innocent husband and his
family after they have been in jail for no crime of theirs. If a woman
wants to walk out of a relationship, there is nothing to dissuade her from
filing false cases and the lawyers actually encourage that.
There are three fundamental problems with the domestic violence law –
a) it is overwhelmingly gender biased in favor of women, b) the
potential for misuse is astounding and c) the definition of domestic violence
is too expansive.
There are degrees of domestic violence and not all conflicts in a
relationship can be termed as domestic violence. This law trivializes the
issue of domestic violence by including minor differences in its realm
and by explicitly denying protection to half of the population.
The law in its current form is grossly inadequate to tackle the problem
of domestic violence. It imposes a lot of responsibility on men,
without giving them rights. On the other hand, it gives lots of rights to
women without requiring them to be responsible. At the very minimum, it
should be made gender neutral, offering protection to both men and women.
Also, provisions for stringent punishments need to be incorporated into
the law to prevent misuse. Moreover, the law needs to be made more
practical by differentiating between various degrees of conflicts and by
unambiguously defining what constitutes domestic violence.
The fact is domestic violence is a serious problem and a neutral and
unprejudiced law is needed to protect the genuine victims of domestic
violence, irrespective of gender. The perpetrators of domestic violence
need to be appropriately punished and dealt with. At the same time,
protection cannot be withheld from real victims for any reason whatsoever,
least of all their gender. One can be certain that there is something
sinister about a law, when it intimidates and instills fear in innocent
people. When a person who has not committed any crime, begins to fear
punishment under the provisions of a law, it is not a law anymore – it is
state sponsored terrorism.
Note to the Editor - Most of the voices heard on this topic are of
feminists and of well meaning people who do not understand the law
completely and are just taken in by the propaganda of feminists, without even
realizing it. Empowering women is a noble goal but empowering women by
victimizing men is gross injustice. Please read the law and its
implications as given in the references below. I hope that you will publish my
concerns in your esteemed newspaper
PS : Every comment of Ms Renuka Chaudhary that I have quoted above is
true. I give the references below.
1. Ms. Renuka Chaudhary's video interview on CNN-IBN where she says
that its not a bad idea for men to suffer and "I pity men" . In the
interview, she openly threatens the well respected journalist Mr. Karan
Thapar to "be careful" and at one point even threatens him of domestic
2. Her interview with times of India, where she says "If men have a
problem, they should speak up"
3. Her quote in Hindustan Times, where she opposes making the law
gender neutral so that male vicitms can also seek relief. -
4. The official law is available here -
5. An summarized version is available on this news site
6. An critique of this law is available here -
7. Examples of how this law can be misused are here
here http://savemarriages.wordpress.com/
and http://givemejustice.wordpress.com/
8. More information about the law and what people are saying about it
is available here http://www.498a.org/dv.htm
9. Study that shows that in India, women are much more violent then
10. Even the statistics quoted in your article are potentially fake.
I am completely shocked and disappointed at the heavily biased article
that was published in your newspaper.
It demeans Indian culture in general and Indian men in particular. It
is clearly a propaganda by Indian feminists and the author seems to be
advancing their cause without even verifying the facts.
As an Indian Citizen, I am extremely concerned by the Domestic Violence
Act. The feminist organizations have been hailing this act and
presenting it as empowerment of domestic abuse victims. However, there is no
recourse for men who are victimized in their houses. The law lends itself
to very easy misuse and is a gross violation of human rights of half
the population. The fact is that due to this law, men will be
emotionally, mentally and financially abused. As so delicately put by the
concerned minister Ms. Renuka Chaudhary - "Its now men's turn to suffer".
The fact is that the Indian Domestic Violence law is a skewed law in
which only a WOMAN can file a complaint against a MAN. If a man is a
victim of domestic violence, he has no recourse under the law. Moreover, a
man is legally obligated to pay ANY amount of money that the woman asks
him, otherwise he can be jailed. Moreover, if he asks for a single
penny from her, that is also considered domestic violence. If the couple is
living in a shared household, then the man is responsible for the rent.
The law allows any woman who has lived with any man, in a residence, to
actually occupy the residence any time she wants by claiming domestic
violence. So, a divorced wife or an old live-in partner whom a man has
not seen in a decade can file domestic violence and can actually get to
live in any residence that the couple might have lived in before.
Incredulous ? Insane ? That's exactly what this law is. Please see
references at the end where the minister herself admits some of these
It is clear by the actions Ms. Renuka Chaudhary, that her real agenda
is to legally cripple and victimize men on behalf of radical feminists.
She is vehemently opposed to making the law gender neutral. Her
arguments have been the following - "If men have a problem, they should speak
up" or "it is predominantly the woman who suffers". What confounds me
is that if the law is made gender neutral, it does not take away ANY
benefit from the real women victims of domestic abuse AND it provides help
to male victims as well. The irony is that the Minister herself readily
admits that the law will be misused. So, her solution? "What if this
law is misused ? Every law is misused". Bravo !! So, now the Govt. is
actually encouraging the misue of the law here !! When a well respected
journalist asked her on national television, if innocent men should
suffer before the law is amended, her reply was "Its not a bad idea. I pity
men". Some more comments by Renuka Chaudhary - "If men behave,
they have nothing to fear". But what if the men behave and the women
misbehave ? Today, in urban India, when a woman does not want to be in a
marriage, she promptly files a dowry case along with the divorce and
legally harrasses and extorts money from the innocent husband and his
family after they have been in jail for no crime of theirs. If a woman
wants to walk out of a relationship, there is nothing to dissuade her from
filing false cases and the lawyers actually encourage that.
There are three fundamental problems with the domestic violence law –
a) it is overwhelmingly gender biased in favor of women, b) the
potential for misuse is astounding and c) the definition of domestic violence
is too expansive.
There are degrees of domestic violence and not all conflicts in a
relationship can be termed as domestic violence. This law trivializes the
issue of domestic violence by including minor differences in its realm
and by explicitly denying protection to half of the population.
The law in its current form is grossly inadequate to tackle the problem
of domestic violence. It imposes a lot of responsibility on men,
without giving them rights. On the other hand, it gives lots of rights to
women without requiring them to be responsible. At the very minimum, it
should be made gender neutral, offering protection to both men and women.
Also, provisions for stringent punishments need to be incorporated into
the law to prevent misuse. Moreover, the law needs to be made more
practical by differentiating between various degrees of conflicts and by
unambiguously defining what constitutes domestic violence.
The fact is domestic violence is a serious problem and a neutral and
unprejudiced law is needed to protect the genuine victims of domestic
violence, irrespective of gender. The perpetrators of domestic violence
need to be appropriately punished and dealt with. At the same time,
protection cannot be withheld from real victims for any reason whatsoever,
least of all their gender. One can be certain that there is something
sinister about a law, when it intimidates and instills fear in innocent
people. When a person who has not committed any crime, begins to fear
punishment under the provisions of a law, it is not a law anymore – it is
state sponsored terrorism.
Note to the Editor - Most of the voices heard on this topic are of
feminists and of well meaning people who do not understand the law
completely and are just taken in by the propaganda of feminists, without even
realizing it. Empowering women is a noble goal but empowering women by
victimizing men is gross injustice. Please read the law and its
implications as given in the references below. I hope that you will publish my
concerns in your esteemed newspaper
PS : Every comment of Ms Renuka Chaudhary that I have quoted above is
true. I give the references below.
1. Ms. Renuka Chaudhary's video interview on CNN-IBN where she says
that its not a bad idea for men to suffer and "I pity men" . In the
interview, she openly threatens the well respected journalist Mr. Karan
Thapar to "be careful" and at one point even threatens him of domestic
2. Her interview with times of India, where she says "If men have a
problem, they should speak up"
3. Her quote in Hindustan Times, where she opposes making the law
gender neutral so that male vicitms can also seek relief. -
4. The official law is available here -
5. An summarized version is available on this news site
6. An critique of this law is available here -
7. Examples of how this law can be misused are here
here http://savemarriages.wordpress.com/
and http://givemejustice.wordpress.com/
8. More information about the law and what people are saying about it
is available here http://www.498a.org/dv.htm
9. Study that shows that in India, women are much more violent then
10. Even the statistics quoted in your article are potentially fake.
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498A Section should not be a nightmare. The reason it is so is because as we read here, the police arrest the husband and the family upon the lady's first complain and then the case starts. The lady in question can complain to the police and then the police have to tell her to hire a lawyer to fight the case. The idea seems that the lady likes to harrase the husband and his family and this can be done so easily as she does not have to lift a stick or hire a gunda as the police do that job for her and so the police are guilty here and they should firstly be taken to the court and then the husband. Come on police we have to see you as god figure. Please dont lose your chance to get moksha doing your duty. As clearly it is the police harrasing and not the husband in many cases. So is there a 498A/Police to go legally against the police? These cases will almost get very small in number if this police illegal decision is put to check. Come on police we have to see you as god figure. People are clearly not scared of a letter from the lady's lawyer as they have the time and the money to fight back with the proof we see here. But how they do this and specially from abroad as they have the fear of being arrested in the first place? If one tries to be a Gandhi in 2006 India, he/she gets a bullet bit too quick and seems from the law itself. Wah!!! UK Guy
10:48 AM, November 01, 2006
Anonymous said...
NRI lost interest and respect for the place when recently got into this trap. Previously was visiting India regularly and also contrubuted at places of need. Totally innocent but now even scared to place information here with name and address.....simply because you never know what can happen. My life is valued by me and dont want it ruined by some thugs when such law exists in India. Can we please have more Gandhis from the politicians of India? Gandhi opened this employment.....that is Official Indian Politics. So let us give something in return to HIM please. UK Guy.
5:50 AM, November 02, 2006
Anonymous said...
Reading all this about the misuse of law and in particular misuse of 498A, I have a suggestion for NRI. Go to India for a holiday. Like now, don’t get involved with politics and business there in India. By now after many years abroad, you have got this title of being a NRI. Most likely you are born abroad. So be a NRI. They used to say when you marry a lady, the 2 families also get married. The problems get sorted out by the 2 families. But remember now…..REMEMBER…..NRI guy not only marries an Indian lady from India but also marries the India police, who are the first ones to arrest you before you are found guilty. Why we blame the law? The law is there. The people who put the law in place are the ones to take the responsibility. So why marry a lady from India in the first place? There are plenty of Indian ladies abroad also where you now live. The Indian lady from India will find it difficult to adjust to the life abroad…..in particular UK and then will blame you and they have the additional police force in India who they can rely on to lock you up next time you are in India or can call you to India by arresting your family member in India, if you have any there. Why marry one and try to see if she adjusts to the life in UK. Why take this risk as she has the Indian police on her side to even ruin your future visits to India. Be safe where you belong and serve that country. You are a NRI and be a NRI. Yes, visit India, see the place, enjoy the Darshans at religious places, enjoy the food and get out after that, back to where you belong. Sorry India this is happening now after personal experience. I am giving my points only about this one problem in India. It is up to others and India herself to address other issues. UK guy.
2:23 PM, November 02, 2006
Anonymous said...
There are 3.22 Million Indians in America
38% of Doctors in America are Indians.
12% of Scientists in America are Indians.
36% of NASA employees are Indians.
34% of MICROSOFT employees are Indians
28% of IBM employees are Indians
17% of INTEL employees are Indians
13% of XEROX employees are Indians
23% of Indian Community in America is having Green-Card'
Above information from an email
So why they went to USA in the first place?
Why so many more still want to go to USA and UK in 2006?
6:55 AM, November 03, 2006
Anonymous said...
Why they left India?..... Because many of them might be children of the leaders and the rich in India and prefer to live in the west.
7:12 AM, November 03, 2006
Anonymous said...
Dear Friends,
I am please to blog this on behalf of this 17 Yr Old College going Girl, She Writes
I being a 21st Century Girl doesn’t believe that India is a male dominated country because now-a-days abla’s are sabla’s I mean to say that today’s generation women always want to get something which is new branded and which also has a status symbol that too sitting at home without earning anything. This whole pressure comes on the poor husband who has to listen to his parents, to his in-law, to his boss to his children’s demand too. Irrespective of his demand he has to fulfill his family demand first.
If demand is not fulfilled by him then he has to listen to his wife’s taunts, his children’s frustration to face other problems too. Husbands also have only one person to whom they can talk i.e. to their wife, But dominating nature of wives make them more angry and violent due to which male remove their frustration in form of anger and violence. After that, the spouse or man’s better half do the propaganda of their so called plight without thinking about their husband’s mental status. Thus, adding fuel to fire. They do this with their sure shot and powerful weapon i.e. Tears. Some wives are so great that they directly go to the cops without thinking once about the consequences on their husbands and his family members, Due to which males like (Ram) have to suffer a lot.
This thought of mine can be explained with my personally witnessed experience some days back in my friend’s case. She was genuinely eve teased by some notorious guys in her neighborhood. Her father came to know about this incidence and he called the cops. The guys were taken to question by the police. But to my surprise the police did not even question us at all!!! They took us on face value and the guys were bashed royally by police. And we were not even questioned at all. I could sense the loop hole that I hear many elder married guys stuck in divorce who talks about it, like the one in my neighborhood. Before which I had no whiff about the whole thing.
I asked the police if we could leave and he understood my gesture on face. And he said to us that “You are like our daughters and we have now to be extra cautious about our image too, especially after the rape cases”
And that is where after the NC was lodged I could make out that men are really really vulnerable and women is actually dominating men using men (police) and law to the maximum of their advantage.
No doubt my friends’ grievance was genuine but the statement of the police and the treatment given to the accused at the face value of the whole matter made my conscience prick me to the extent of telling me that thank god I do not have a brother else he could have been victimized and would have been equally vulnerable to this attitude of the police.
“That keeps me pondering on the question that “Is India Really a Male Dominated Country???”
Sneha Kala.
XII Commerce, C-11.
Thakur College
5:51 PM
4:34 AM, November 05, 2006
Anonymous said...
They used to say when you marry a lady, the 2 families also get married. The problems get sorted out by the 2 families. But remember now…..REMEMBER…..NRI guy and and others dont only marry an Indian lady from India but also marries the Indian police, who are the first ones to arrest you before you are found guilty. Why we blame the law? The law is there. The people who put the law in place are the ones to take the responsibility. So why marry an lady from India in the first place
10:58 AM, November 09, 2006
Anonymous said...
Arre...yahin to dhokha kha gaya India..
4:00 AM, November 15, 2006
10:48 AM, November 01, 2006
Anonymous said...
NRI lost interest and respect for the place when recently got into this trap. Previously was visiting India regularly and also contrubuted at places of need. Totally innocent but now even scared to place information here with name and address.....simply because you never know what can happen. My life is valued by me and dont want it ruined by some thugs when such law exists in India. Can we please have more Gandhis from the politicians of India? Gandhi opened this employment.....that is Official Indian Politics. So let us give something in return to HIM please. UK Guy.
5:50 AM, November 02, 2006
Anonymous said...
Reading all this about the misuse of law and in particular misuse of 498A, I have a suggestion for NRI. Go to India for a holiday. Like now, don’t get involved with politics and business there in India. By now after many years abroad, you have got this title of being a NRI. Most likely you are born abroad. So be a NRI. They used to say when you marry a lady, the 2 families also get married. The problems get sorted out by the 2 families. But remember now…..REMEMBER…..NRI guy not only marries an Indian lady from India but also marries the India police, who are the first ones to arrest you before you are found guilty. Why we blame the law? The law is there. The people who put the law in place are the ones to take the responsibility. So why marry a lady from India in the first place? There are plenty of Indian ladies abroad also where you now live. The Indian lady from India will find it difficult to adjust to the life abroad…..in particular UK and then will blame you and they have the additional police force in India who they can rely on to lock you up next time you are in India or can call you to India by arresting your family member in India, if you have any there. Why marry one and try to see if she adjusts to the life in UK. Why take this risk as she has the Indian police on her side to even ruin your future visits to India. Be safe where you belong and serve that country. You are a NRI and be a NRI. Yes, visit India, see the place, enjoy the Darshans at religious places, enjoy the food and get out after that, back to where you belong. Sorry India this is happening now after personal experience. I am giving my points only about this one problem in India. It is up to others and India herself to address other issues. UK guy.
2:23 PM, November 02, 2006
Anonymous said...
There are 3.22 Million Indians in America
38% of Doctors in America are Indians.
12% of Scientists in America are Indians.
36% of NASA employees are Indians.
34% of MICROSOFT employees are Indians
28% of IBM employees are Indians
17% of INTEL employees are Indians
13% of XEROX employees are Indians
23% of Indian Community in America is having Green-Card'
Above information from an email
So why they went to USA in the first place?
Why so many more still want to go to USA and UK in 2006?
6:55 AM, November 03, 2006
Anonymous said...
Why they left India?..... Because many of them might be children of the leaders and the rich in India and prefer to live in the west.
7:12 AM, November 03, 2006
Anonymous said...
Dear Friends,
I am please to blog this on behalf of this 17 Yr Old College going Girl, She Writes
I being a 21st Century Girl doesn’t believe that India is a male dominated country because now-a-days abla’s are sabla’s I mean to say that today’s generation women always want to get something which is new branded and which also has a status symbol that too sitting at home without earning anything. This whole pressure comes on the poor husband who has to listen to his parents, to his in-law, to his boss to his children’s demand too. Irrespective of his demand he has to fulfill his family demand first.
If demand is not fulfilled by him then he has to listen to his wife’s taunts, his children’s frustration to face other problems too. Husbands also have only one person to whom they can talk i.e. to their wife, But dominating nature of wives make them more angry and violent due to which male remove their frustration in form of anger and violence. After that, the spouse or man’s better half do the propaganda of their so called plight without thinking about their husband’s mental status. Thus, adding fuel to fire. They do this with their sure shot and powerful weapon i.e. Tears. Some wives are so great that they directly go to the cops without thinking once about the consequences on their husbands and his family members, Due to which males like (Ram) have to suffer a lot.
This thought of mine can be explained with my personally witnessed experience some days back in my friend’s case. She was genuinely eve teased by some notorious guys in her neighborhood. Her father came to know about this incidence and he called the cops. The guys were taken to question by the police. But to my surprise the police did not even question us at all!!! They took us on face value and the guys were bashed royally by police. And we were not even questioned at all. I could sense the loop hole that I hear many elder married guys stuck in divorce who talks about it, like the one in my neighborhood. Before which I had no whiff about the whole thing.
I asked the police if we could leave and he understood my gesture on face. And he said to us that “You are like our daughters and we have now to be extra cautious about our image too, especially after the rape cases”
And that is where after the NC was lodged I could make out that men are really really vulnerable and women is actually dominating men using men (police) and law to the maximum of their advantage.
No doubt my friends’ grievance was genuine but the statement of the police and the treatment given to the accused at the face value of the whole matter made my conscience prick me to the extent of telling me that thank god I do not have a brother else he could have been victimized and would have been equally vulnerable to this attitude of the police.
“That keeps me pondering on the question that “Is India Really a Male Dominated Country???”
Sneha Kala.
XII Commerce, C-11.
Thakur College
5:51 PM
4:34 AM, November 05, 2006
Anonymous said...
They used to say when you marry a lady, the 2 families also get married. The problems get sorted out by the 2 families. But remember now…..REMEMBER…..NRI guy and and others dont only marry an Indian lady from India but also marries the Indian police, who are the first ones to arrest you before you are found guilty. Why we blame the law? The law is there. The people who put the law in place are the ones to take the responsibility. So why marry an lady from India in the first place
10:58 AM, November 09, 2006
Anonymous said...
Arre...yahin to dhokha kha gaya India..
4:00 AM, November 15, 2006
India is so divided as it is and such laws will only send females to some sector of the men population....eg men police, men lawyers, men judges. As per the law, men are not trusted it seems and most of the people handling the cases are men. This is the place where the same ladies will say yes sir and can end up doing whatever is said to them and will have to keep the mouth shut also, and later realise what real trouble can be.
Let all that happen and then when they don’t have any place to go to, then the lesson will be learnt…..is this what we want to happen to our sisters, wives and mothers? Don’t you think it will be too late by then? Meaning….. where will they complain when harassed by men police, men lawyers, and men judges? These guys may not be your husbands but they will still be men. Will they care for you more than your husbands? Will they truly care for you?
Lot needs to be done to have good population of men police, men lawyers, men judges etc before letting these women go to these men. I say this because men are not trusted as per the law. It is like a case where a woman law maker is sending a poor cow to a lion hoping that the lion is a vegetarian. Note for the law maker (specially the female law maker):- Please first sort out other problems before this creates more problems for the society.
India is so divided as it is and such laws will only send females to some sector of the men population....eg men police, men lawyers, men judges. As per the law, men are not trusted it seems and most of the people handling the cases are men. This is the place where the same ladies will say yes sir and can end up doing whatever is said to them and will have to keep the mouth shut also, and later realise what real trouble can be.
Let all that happen and then when they don’t have any place to go to, then the lesson will be learnt…..is this what we want to happen to our sisters, wives and mothers? Don’t you think it will be too late by then? Meaning….. where will they complain when harassed by men police, men lawyers, and men judges? These guys may not be your husbands but they will still be men. Will they care for you more than your husbands? Will they truly care for you?
Lot needs to be done to have good population of men police, men lawyers, men judges etc before letting these women go to these men. I say this because men are not trusted as per the law. It is like a case where a woman law maker is sending a poor cow to a lion hoping that the lion is a vegetarian. Note for the law maker (specially the female law maker):- Please first sort out other problems before this creates more problems for the society.
India is so divided as it is and such laws will only send females to some sector of the men population....eg men police, men lawyers, men judges. As per the law, men are not trusted it seems and most of the people handling the cases are men. This is the place where the same ladies will say yes sir and can end up doing whatever is said to them and will have to keep the mouth shut also, and later realise what real trouble can be.
Let all that happen and then when they don’t have any place to go to, then the lesson will be learnt…..is this what we want to happen to our sisters, wives and mothers? Don’t you think it will be too late by then? Meaning….. where will they complain when harassed by men police, men lawyers, and men judges? These guys may not be your husbands but they will still be men. Will they care for you more than your husbands? Will they truly care for you?
Lot needs to be done to have good population of men police, men lawyers, men judges etc before letting these women go to these men. I say this because men are not trusted as per the law. It is like a case where a woman law maker is sending a poor cow to a lion hoping that the lion is a vegetarian. Note for the law maker (specially the female law maker):- Please first sort out other problems before this creates more problems for the society.
India is so divided as it is and such laws will only send females to some sector of the men population....eg men police, men lawyers, men judges. As per the law, men are not trusted it seems and most of the people handling the cases are men. This is the place where the same ladies will say yes sir and can end up doing whatever is said to them and will have to keep the mouth shut also, and later realise what real trouble can be.
Let all that happen and then when they don’t have any place to go to, then the lesson will be learnt…..is this what we want to happen to our sisters, wives and mothers? Don’t you think it will be too late by then? Meaning….. where will they complain when harassed by men police, men lawyers, and men judges? These guys may not be your husbands but they will still be men. Will they care for you more than your husbands? Will they truly care for you?
Lot needs to be done to have good population of men police, men lawyers, men judges etc before letting these women go to these men. I say this because men are not trusted as per the law. It is like a case where a woman law maker is sending a poor cow to a lion hoping that the lion is a vegetarian. Note for the law maker (specially the female law maker):- Please first sort out other problems before this creates more problems for the society.
Let us bring in equal laws for all human beings and not one law for ladies and one for gentlemen.....otherwise both sexes will fight like cats and dogs like now. So seems we have brought in more fights while trying to stop one fight.
Let us bring in equal laws for all human beings and not one law for ladies and one for gentlemen.....otherwise both sexes will fight like cats and dogs like now. So seems we have brought in more fights while trying to stop one fight.
Let us bring in equal laws for all human beings and not one law for ladies and one for gentlemen.....otherwise both sexes will fight like cats and dogs like now. So seems we have brought in more fights while trying to stop one fight. UK Guy.
Let us bring in equal laws for all human beings and not one law for ladies and one for gentlemen.....otherwise both sexes will fight like cats and dogs like now. So seems we have brought in more fights while trying to stop one fight. UK Guy.
Lot needs to be done to have good population of men police, men lawyers, men judges etc before letting these women go to these men. I say this because men are not trusted as per the law. It is like a case where a woman law maker is sending a poor cow to a lion hoping that the lion is a vegetarian. Note for the law maker (specially the female law maker):- Please first sort out other problems before this creates more problems for the society.
Lot needs to be done to have good population of men police, men lawyers, men judges etc before letting these women go to these men. I say this because men are not trusted as per the law. It is like a case where a woman law maker is sending a poor cow to a lion hoping that the lion is a vegetarian. Note for the law maker (specially the female law maker):- Please first sort out other problems before this creates more problems for the society. UK Guy
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Lot needs to be done to have good population of men police, men lawyers, men judges etc before letting these women go to these men. I say this because men are not trusted as per the law. It is like a case where a woman law maker is sending a poor cow to a lion hoping that the lion is a vegetarian. Note for the law maker (specially the female law maker):- Please first sort out other problems before this creates more problems for the society. UK Guy
I heard that many ladies from India go to Dubai and other rich cities and dance in front of guys and many go to the ones offering the most money to finish off the night.....and the same process starts the next night. All for money???!!!
And many of the other ladies misuse 498A penal code and other similar one sided laws existing in India to extract as much money as possible from guys in India and guys overseas. This is gradually becoming the Indian ladies' image. Nothing to be proud of.
If some of these lady law makers in India think that they have introduced something great by bringing in the one sided 498A penal code and DV law, then they have to realise that they have done nothing better than these other dancing ladies and the ladies who misuse the law. These laws make it easy for ladies to extract money from guys. The lady law makers have helped them.
All this is ruining the good name of Indian ladies and India in general. India has been known to be a very religious country with many Gods who took birth on the land. India is a very big supplying industry for basically everything on this planet. Now the country has a very big population with AIDS. It can now even be said that many Gods might take birth in India not because the people are good and the land is fertile for the birth of Gods. But one can say that many people(specially ladies) are not using their heads properly and they need to be taught some basics by Gods. May be India might even lose the chance to have Gods taking birth in India for centuries. Many people in India are losing the good teachings that the saints and sages gave to India. Many Ravanas and Kansh and so God takes birth? How many can he destroy? Too many around. And so He teaches by taking birth and might even refuse to come that easily now.
India.....WAKE UP before the bad law makers make these new laws to destroy the country. Here I am only talking about 498A and DV law. So ladies.....do a U Turn and do the duties well. Otherwise many of you will seem to be the modern day Ravanas and Kansh in India. If you are enjoying all this, then continue dancing in overseas clubs and make plenty of money by extracting money from guys after marrying them and then misusing these 498A type penal code laws. And be a supplying industry for sex also. So India gets a new name…..WORLD SUPPLIER.
Message for the good ladies…..I am sorry to put it this way. It is as bad as this and so have done it this way. I don’t think it is necessary to place my name here as no reward is expected for this bit of information. Do the duty and expect no reward. UK Guy…..not born in India…..yes the same one.
And many of the other ladies misuse 498A penal code and other similar one sided laws existing in India to extract as much money as possible from guys in India and guys overseas. This is gradually becoming the Indian ladies' image. Nothing to be proud of.
If some of these lady law makers in India think that they have introduced something great by bringing in the one sided 498A penal code and DV law, then they have to realise that they have done nothing better than these other dancing ladies and the ladies who misuse the law. These laws make it easy for ladies to extract money from guys. The lady law makers have helped them.
All this is ruining the good name of Indian ladies and India in general. India has been known to be a very religious country with many Gods who took birth on the land. India is a very big supplying industry for basically everything on this planet. Now the country has a very big population with AIDS. It can now even be said that many Gods might take birth in India not because the people are good and the land is fertile for the birth of Gods. But one can say that many people(specially ladies) are not using their heads properly and they need to be taught some basics by Gods. May be India might even lose the chance to have Gods taking birth in India for centuries. Many people in India are losing the good teachings that the saints and sages gave to India. Many Ravanas and Kansh and so God takes birth? How many can he destroy? Too many around. And so He teaches by taking birth and might even refuse to come that easily now.
India.....WAKE UP before the bad law makers make these new laws to destroy the country. Here I am only talking about 498A and DV law. So ladies.....do a U Turn and do the duties well. Otherwise many of you will seem to be the modern day Ravanas and Kansh in India. If you are enjoying all this, then continue dancing in overseas clubs and make plenty of money by extracting money from guys after marrying them and then misusing these 498A type penal code laws. And be a supplying industry for sex also. So India gets a new name…..WORLD SUPPLIER.
Message for the good ladies…..I am sorry to put it this way. It is as bad as this and so have done it this way. I don’t think it is necessary to place my name here as no reward is expected for this bit of information. Do the duty and expect no reward. UK Guy…..not born in India…..yes the same one.
Passed by Indian Parliament in 1983, Indian Penal Code 498A, is a criminal law (not a civil law) which is defined as follows,
“Whoever, being the husband or the relative of the husband of a woman, subjects such woman to cruelty shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine. The offence is Cognizable, non-compoundable and non-bailable.”
How are you at risk and why it is dangerous for the society?
Your wife/daughter-in-law who's demands are not met can make a written false complaint of dowry harassment to a nearby police station. The husband, his old parents and relatives are immediately arrested without sufficient investigation and put behind bars on a non-bailable terms. Even if the complaint is false, you shall be presumed guilty until you prove that you are innocent.
Passed by Indian Parliament in 1983, Indian Penal Code 498A, is a criminal law (not a civil law) which is defined as follows,
“Whoever, being the husband or the relative of the husband of a woman, subjects such woman to cruelty shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine. The offence is Cognizable, non-compoundable and non-bailable.”
How are you at risk and why it is dangerous for the society?
Your wife/daughter-in-law who's demands are not met can make a written false complaint of dowry harassment to a nearby police station. The husband, his old parents and relatives are immediately arrested without sufficient investigation and put behind bars on a non-bailable terms. Even if the complaint is false, you shall be presumed guilty until you prove that you are innocent.
I heard that many ladies from India go to Dubai and other rich cities and dance in front of guys and many go to the ones offering the most money to finish off the night.....and the same process starts the next night. All for money???!!! Go and check for yourself. Yes Indian ladies from India showing a lot of their body...I think you know what I mean. Go and check it for yourself.
And many of the other ladies misuse 498A penal code and other similar one sided laws existing in India to extract as much money as possible from guys in India and guys overseas. This is gradually becoming the Indian ladies' image...specially abroad...the whole truth!!! Nothing to be proud of.
If some of these lady law makers in India think that they have introduced something great by bringing in the one sided 498A penal code and DV law, then they have to realise that they have done nothing better than these other dancing ladies and the ladies who misuse the law. These laws make it easy for ladies to extract money from guys. The lady law makers have helped them.
All this is ruining the good name of Indian ladies and India in general. India is a very big supplying industry for basically everything on this planet. Now the country has a very big population with AIDS. Many people in India are losing the good teachings that the saints and sages gave to the country. Many Ravanas and Kansh around.
India.....WAKE UP before the bad law makers make these new laws to destroy the country. Here I am only talking about 498A and DV law. So ladies.....do a U Turn and do the duties well. Otherwise the next generation will include your own daughters on this path to disaster!!! And many of you will seem to be the modern day Ravanas and Kansh in India. If you are enjoying all this, then continue dancing in overseas clubs and make plenty of money by extracting money from guys after marrying them and then misusing these 498A type penal code laws. And be a supplying industry for sex also. So India gets a new logo name for the supplying industry for everything..."We supply you enjoy"
Message for the good ladies…..I am sorry to put it this way. It is as bad as this and so have done it this way. UK Guy...not born in India.
And many of the other ladies misuse 498A penal code and other similar one sided laws existing in India to extract as much money as possible from guys in India and guys overseas. This is gradually becoming the Indian ladies' image...specially abroad...the whole truth!!! Nothing to be proud of.
If some of these lady law makers in India think that they have introduced something great by bringing in the one sided 498A penal code and DV law, then they have to realise that they have done nothing better than these other dancing ladies and the ladies who misuse the law. These laws make it easy for ladies to extract money from guys. The lady law makers have helped them.
All this is ruining the good name of Indian ladies and India in general. India is a very big supplying industry for basically everything on this planet. Now the country has a very big population with AIDS. Many people in India are losing the good teachings that the saints and sages gave to the country. Many Ravanas and Kansh around.
India.....WAKE UP before the bad law makers make these new laws to destroy the country. Here I am only talking about 498A and DV law. So ladies.....do a U Turn and do the duties well. Otherwise the next generation will include your own daughters on this path to disaster!!! And many of you will seem to be the modern day Ravanas and Kansh in India. If you are enjoying all this, then continue dancing in overseas clubs and make plenty of money by extracting money from guys after marrying them and then misusing these 498A type penal code laws. And be a supplying industry for sex also. So India gets a new logo name for the supplying industry for everything..."We supply you enjoy"
Message for the good ladies…..I am sorry to put it this way. It is as bad as this and so have done it this way. UK Guy...not born in India.
Same old corruption and the bribes are now even bigger. Poor have no chance the way the politics is organised in India. A new Gandhi will be shot dead by the Indian politics on the same day.....it seems as bad as that. A country that invents the one sided penal code 498A to trouble and extract money can do anything.
IPC 498a provides for arrest of the offender(s) as named by the wife in a written complaint submitted to the court or magistrate.
An offence under this section is Cognizable (arrest before investigation), Non-Compoundable (case cannot be dismissed even if complaint is withdrawn) and Non-Bailable.
These provisions allow offenses under this section to be treated on par with offenses such as murder.
This law assumes the accused to be guilty until proven innocent. The statement of the wife is assumed to be candid and truthful in all respects. No evidence needs to be furnished by the wife.
PEOPLE HAVE COMPLAINED FOR AGES AND ARE NOT ABLE TO VISIT INDIA IN FEAR OF BEING STUCK THERE FALSELY FOR 5-6 YEARS. People in India are already in more trouble as are arrested within seconds of a false complain...Peace-UK
IPC 498a provides for arrest of the offender(s) as named by the wife in a written complaint submitted to the court or magistrate.
An offence under this section is Cognizable (arrest before investigation), Non-Compoundable (case cannot be dismissed even if complaint is withdrawn) and Non-Bailable.
These provisions allow offenses under this section to be treated on par with offenses such as murder.
This law assumes the accused to be guilty until proven innocent. The statement of the wife is assumed to be candid and truthful in all respects. No evidence needs to be furnished by the wife.
PEOPLE HAVE COMPLAINED FOR AGES AND ARE NOT ABLE TO VISIT INDIA IN FEAR OF BEING STUCK THERE FALSELY FOR 5-6 YEARS. People in India are already in more trouble as are arrested within seconds of a false complain...Peace-UK
I think Shilpa said something in the line of... he is from overseas and different culture and needs to be treated well specially when he is doing so much for India. May be an Indian guy who if had done the same to Shilpa might have faced the Indian penal code 498A or the DV law introduced by an Indian lady law maker??? For those who dont know what this penal code misuse is can check the internet for it. The overseas guys stuck in this misuse of the law by Indian ladies will know better. They cant even return to India in fear of being troubled for about 5-6 years. Nothing is likely to happen to Gere. How India will face this challenge now???!!!
You know when someone asks what shall we do with the man and another might say...burn the body and bury the ashes as they dont want to take any chances.
That is what the Penal code 498A and DV Law is.
A lady uses the police when she decides to misuse the law. And the locking up on the spot etc etc takes place the same time. Seems lady law makers felt so insecure and rushed blindly to make the law in their favour!!! And here we are in 2007 when India talks about modernisation. Legal terrorism as they have called it in India. Peace - UK
That is what the Penal code 498A and DV Law is.
A lady uses the police when she decides to misuse the law. And the locking up on the spot etc etc takes place the same time. Seems lady law makers felt so insecure and rushed blindly to make the law in their favour!!! And here we are in 2007 when India talks about modernisation. Legal terrorism as they have called it in India. Peace - UK
Some notes from internet and more additions done:
"There are many number of cases where even if no dowry was taken / demanded; just because wife was not able to adjust to husband home, in the name of Dowry, 498a has been used as an instrument to harass innocent husband, his age old parents and his married / unmarried sisters.
Based on girl’s complaint, police blindly without any proof or enquiry; arrested all those named in the complaint and put them in jail.
Although Judges strongly feel that provisions of 498a needs to be changed, but are unable to do any thing since power to amend Law is in the hands of our Politicians.
Since provisions of Sec, 498a IPC are one sided, this has contributed to increased divorce rate. Recently introduced Domestic Violence Act is also one sided and will further accelerate divorce rate. Single-parent system is worst for any society especially for growing children and will deteriorates Law and order situation.
India is not the only country where family disputes take place; however, no country has laws, which empowers its police to arrest family members without an investigation. In no country people are put in jails, until case has been heard by a judge and person declared a culprit. It is only in India where people implicated with 498a, are put in Jails even before case is heard by a Judge."
NRI’s are also trapped by such laws. Many previously used to visit India on regular basis and also contribute at various places but now are no longer able to do this. May be this is a drop in an ocean for India and “who cares” approach takes place from within India but the word is going around fast in more far away countries also. Let me say no more. Peace - UK
Some notes from internet and more additions done:
"There are many number of cases where even if no dowry was taken / demanded; just because wife was not able to adjust to husband home, in the name of Dowry, 498a has been used as an instrument to harass innocent husband, his age old parents and his married / unmarried sisters.
Based on girl’s complaint, police blindly without any proof or enquiry; arrested all those named in the complaint and put them in jail.
Although Judges strongly feel that provisions of 498a needs to be changed, but are unable to do any thing since power to amend Law is in the hands of our Politicians.
Since provisions of Sec, 498a IPC are one sided, this has contributed to increased divorce rate. Recently introduced Domestic Violence Act is also one sided and will further accelerate divorce rate. Single-parent system is worst for any society especially for growing children and will deteriorates Law and order situation.
India is not the only country where family disputes take place; however, no country has laws, which empowers its police to arrest family members without an investigation. In no country people are put in jails, until case has been heard by a judge and person declared a culprit. It is only in India where people implicated with 498a, are put in Jails even before case is heard by a Judge."
NRI’s are also trapped by such laws. Many previously used to visit India on regular basis and also contribute at various places but now are no longer able to do this. May be this is a drop in an ocean for India and “who cares” approach takes place from within India but the word is going around fast in more far away countries also. Let me say no more. Peace - UK
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